Late night hours – DevOps 1

Okay, this is not usual but exactly in the night of the few puentes we have in the year, chilling and looking videos here and there about how will the future of the 3d industry will change getting applied engineering such as machine learning, etc.

I found a really cool video which guided me to many different cool Papers, decided to go deep on to DensePose ( leave you the link if you get interested on it) and in one of them I found that the OS I needed to work with was Ubuntu (LINUX). And guess whose harddrive with windows was faulty again. YEP, mine again, (thrid one) and I had this ubuntu on a brand new solid disk and well, it felt like all the planets aligned.

Going on with the story, I saw I needed to install Anaconda for managing my enviroments on ubuntu, and started downloading and installing it, then I saw I needed caffe2 but at the same time, for caffe2 I needed CUDA, cuDNN and some more things. And at that time, it hit my mind. If i’m allready getting my enviroments prepared for personal projects, why don’t I finish all the late schoolwork I have left in the meantime I download the heavy frameworks and libraries, so here we go with devops.

RECOMENDED MUSIC FOR THIS POST! (I usually listen a kind of music when I have this crazy episodes, this time I recommend you this song to start with)

Okay so, what the Duck is Devops?

As far as my understanding let me know, DevOps can be divided in three segments. As a whole, engineers participating in a proccess from design, to development and production stage. A constant evolution of the best practices and metodologies for it. If you look for a standarized definition of it, you will come across many of them. So the best is to try to make your own concept.

Now, from this, you don’t just need to do those practices because someone told you to. It is really important to study them concepts (extracted from:

  • Infrastructure Automation – create your systems, OS configs, and app deployments as code.
  • Continuous Delivery – build, test, deploy your apps in a fast and automated manner.
  • Site Reliability Engineering – operate your systems; monitoring and orchestration, sure, but also designing for operability in the first place.

I decided to investigate about what is the most common issue in many companies where developers are involve. It results that developers are always kind of in a hurry. They focus on innovation, being fast and guide through change. On the side of Operations, they are more focus on implementing, and optimizing this blocks of code for the apropiate code stability. Always having in mind the end user.

Where is the problem in this? At the time where the Devs are generating and generating more and more functions and code and they throw it to the Operators, but since the nature of their activities depends on integrating and analizing in a different level, they usually end up in getting mad with each other.

The solution? Is there one? Well, why do we need to keep both worlds separated? Why not improve the communication between them. How about integrating tools in their pipeline which allow automation and proccess optimization.

Why do this? If their goals are aligned, the speed is increased. The operators needs to undestand the Devs code. They need to receive a playbook of how to handle their code so it can keep running. They need to know how to search for errors and make the devs understand how does the service functions. On the other hand, the developers, they need for the ops to have everything they need so they can build the whole product.

The whole idea behind DevOps its about the company’s culture, about sharing tools and OPTIMIZING PROCCESS. I know I allready said that, but thats (in my humble opinion) the key about this.

When you start doing this, you will be able to start measuring your work progress. The time it takes for fixes to get deployed, how much time does a developer took to do certain things and those are the areas of opportunity. When everybody is in sync, great things can happen.

Resultado de imagen para apes communicating

Sidenote: It’s funny how even if I started this post before than the part 2 & 3, I finnished it later. Interesting ways the procastinating brain works.

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